Design Concepts

Design Concepts

Design itself is the planning of an object’s presentation so that it achieves its purpose.

Color helps to create moods and draw the attention of lookers to key elements. This can be done using bold colors, or no color at all depending on the purpose and the emotion that is intended. There are many categories of color, complementary, warm, cool, tints and shades. Colors also have meanings.

Typography is the visual component of a written word. Fonts depend on weight, style, spacing, color of the type, and other characteristics. If you think about the difference between the type on signs like road signs and traffic signs compared to the store signs and the signs that are meant to market something, they are drastically different.

Metaphors/Symbols is the idea to use symbols to indicate what something means without having to put the actual words. For example, a bathroom sign or a hearing aid sign. They do not say the actual words but the meaning is implied by using symbols.

Minimalism and Use of Space is using the least to convey the meaning. A good example of this was the elevator’s buttons. They simply show arrows up and down, and a fireman’s cap to show emergency, and a phone to show the call button. The idea is to be able to look at something and know what it means. (Exit sign is also a good example)

Balance is basically the difference between using an asymmetrical image versus a symmetrical one and using them with purpose. For example, a government issued sign wouldn’t be asymmetrical, but a sign for a bar or a clothing store may not be symmetrical.

Rhythm is repetition used to create a pattern or a texture. There is a defined interval space between the repeating image.

Proportion is the relationship in scale between one object and another object. It helps to create a depth and determine what is the important aspect of the image.

Dominance relates to proportion. Whatever is taking up the most space or is written in the boldest color or contrasts with the rest of the image is where the eye is going to go first. Whatever part of the image has the most visual depth is the dominant aspect.

Unity is the relationship between the different parts of the image. The individual parts will make up a whole.

Off I go on a “safari” to find some examples here in good ol’ Fred!

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